- What was life like before you became a member?
This is kind of a funny question because I had a lot of things change at once when I joined CrossFit. My mental health was not in a great spot, a lot of that had to do with me being completely overworked and burnt out. I was a nurse at both an ICU and a long-term acute care facility and I was working 60-70 hour work weeks. I knew what I was doing was not sustainable or healthy. I’ve learned that even though the money might be good, it really doesn’t mean anything if you don’t enjoy your life. So I made some career changes and joining CrossFit was just another way for me to release some stress and enjoy life more.
- At the time you enrolled, were you already exercising? What was your previous background in fitness?
I’ve always prioritized movement and a healthy lifestyle in one way or another. I’ve gone through different phases of things, I was really into hot yoga for a while, I was a member of a boxing gym, I just like to try it all and see what sticks. At the time I started CrossFit, I had been into weightlifting for about four years in a power building sort of way.

- What originally prompted you to seek us out?
I originally came to the CrossFit gym because I was starting a new job and was moving to Scranton so I knew I needed to find a gym that just made sense location wise. However, I knew I had started to get bored with my routine at a regular gym all by myself. I thought CrossFit would be something new, challenging, and exciting to reignite the love I have for fitness, and I was definitely correct. I remember coming in to see the place and talk to Tim and I told him I’d be back in a month to join. He definitely thought I was full of it and he would never see me again.

- What was your goal when you originally signed up?
My goal when signing up was to become a well-rounded athlete and learn new things. I knew I had strength, but I did tend to skip cardio. CrossFit doesn’t give you that option. I was also looking to be pushed out of my comfort zone, which definitely occurs every time we do Olympic lifts or any type of gymnastics.
5. What have you liked best about working with us?
I like that it feels like everyone wants each other to succeed. Regular gyms can get this weird vibe sometimes as if you’re competing with the person next to you, but not in a fun way, in a way where way too much ego is involved. I like that CrossFit is a place where people of all ages and fitness levels are just rooting for the person next to them to do the best that they can.

6. What are you most proud of achieving since you started?
Since joining, I’m most proud of winning the nutrition challenge that I was a part of. It was only four weeks, which meant that it had to be intense to see any results and I’m happy with what I accomplished in that short amount of time and the willpower and focus I had.
7. With everything that you have accomplished, has your view of yourself changed?
I really never thought about how I viewed myself or if that’s changed until this question was asked. I think CrossFit has helped with issues of self doubt and imposter syndrome. It’s all about your mindset. I feel like I could succeed in anything I set my mind to.

8. What would you say to anyone else who might be dealing with any similar struggles you did?
For a while, I was just going through the motions and working myself to death. If anybody else doesn’t like the trajectory their life is on, just know that you could change it at any time. You just have to be brave enough to take the steps.
9. Do you have any special moments/memories?
My favorite memory so far is when there had been some pretty heavy snow storms, and in the middle of warming up for class, every single light went out. No one even really thought about leaving. Everyone just brought out their phones and used the flashlight on them and we worked out in the dark until the lights eventually came back on.

10. What is your favorite movement/lift?
The bench press has always had a special place in my heart. But not too long ago, I learned to split jerk and I thought that was really fun. Definitely a strong contender for my favorite, we’ll see how that progresses.