- What was life like before you became a member?
Before becoming a member of KCF, my life was and still is very much all about my family.
In 2013, at the age of 20, I became a first-time mom to my daughter Reagan. My husband and I lived on a Marine Corps base in Twenty-Nine Palms, California where that chapter of my life began. At a young age, I became a wife and mother. I had two more children, Rosaria and Joey when we returned to Pennsylvania. I have focused all of my life on my three children. I was very fortunate to have a husband who worked hard so that I could be a stay-at-home mom all those years. Fast Forward to today – life looks a little different. My kids are in school and I can work at my family business. Shout out to my mom who helps with the kids when I need it! I don’t have much time for myself but I am super happy to be able to fit some CrossFit time in the week when I’m not running the kids around to all their sports/activities!
- At the time you enrolled, were you already exercising? What was your previous background in fitness?
My previous background in fitness was in dance classes. I was a dancer from the age of 3-18. I also would try and do some cycle classes with my sister. At the time of enrollment, the most exercise I got was running after my kids or playing outside with them. I NEVER in my life thought CrossFit was in my future.

- What originally prompted you to seek us out?
Funny story… my mom!
My mom started CrossFit a year or more before me. CrossFit was all she ever talked about. We would make fun of her so badly for talking about CROSSFIT and the Workout Of The Day!
I hit a low point mentally where I was disgusted with myself. I wouldn’t even look in a mirror, my energy was gone, and I felt as if I lost myself somewhere along the way. I will never forget my mom and sister convincing me to take time out of my week to go do something for myself. My mom of course suggested trying a class at KCF! Well jokes on me because now we both get made fun of for talking about the “WOD”!

- What was your goal when you originally signed up?
My goal was to feel better mentally more so than physically. I needed some serious dopamine, I needed confidence and energy to be the best version of myself for the people around me. Showing up to CrossFit every week is my RX.

5. What have you liked best about working with us?
Hands down – the community of people involved in CrossFit. I love that we all suffer together, support each other, curse our coaches out in our heads during the WOD and then love them right after (sorry Tim) … it is nothing like going to a regular gym. I also REALLY love how CrossFit supports our military and first responders. The tradition of a HERO WOD to honor our fallen members, it makes me really proud to be a part of that.

6. What are you most proud of achieving since you started?
I’m mostly proud of being consistent and never giving up.

7. With everything that you have accomplished, has your view of yourself changed?
Absolutely! I am NOT the same person from the first day I joined KCF. CrossFit has helped me build myself into the person I want to be. I have a lot more work to do but I am pretty damn proud of what I’ve already built so far.

8. What would you say to anyone else who might be dealing with any similar struggles you did?
Don’t lose yourself. Make time for yourself. I wish I started a long time ago.

9. Do you have any special moments/memories?
I have a lot of special moments. I think finding out I was July’s “athlete of the month” while on vacation is my best moment as of right now. I always said ONE DAY I will get my chance. After a long time of waiting and working, I TRULY could not think of a better time to be asked. I worked really hard for it and I am really proud of myself.

10. What is your favorite movement/lift?
I love back squats.
I trust my legs more than any other part of my body. I love not being able to walk the next day & my husband asking me why I’m waddling. It’s the best and worst feeling in the world.

I just want to thank all of our KCF family. So many of you inspire me. I enjoy every miserable moment of dying in the gym with you guys.
To my mom – thank you for bringing me to KCF. I love that we do this together.
Coaches – Thank you for helping me find myself. Thank you for supporting me all these years. I love you all.