- What was life like before you became a member?
Before becoming a member of KCF, my life was pretty career driven. I graduated from Marywood University as a Speech-Language Pathologist, and I moved to Maryland for work. I lived there for 4 years, and during that time, I was very active. I went to the gym, went on hikes pretty frequently, and adopted a dog, for a daily walking partner of course! Also, my job kept me on my feet throughout the day. I moved back to Pennsylvania in 2021, became a tele-therapist, and got married. After this, I believe I suffered from the Newlywed 15 aka the Freshman 15 for married couples. I became comfortable sitting on the couch and noticed I was ordering out more often. Also, I worked long hours and was sitting more than I ever have. Desk work changed me… and not for the better. I gained a bit of weight and began to not recognize myself both inside and out. I have always been a healthy person, so losing sight of fitness was a struggle for me. I started going to Planet Fitness, doing Insanity videos, and logging my calories in the My Fitness Pal app. These seemed to help, but it wasn’t enough to keep me consistent and quite frankly, I just wasn’t enjoying it.

2. At the time you enrolled, were you already exercising? What was your previous background in fitness?
Yes, I was going to Planet Fitness and doing Insanity videos; however, I was not very consistent. I started dancing when I was 3, and then by age 8 I was participating in competitive dance. I then went to LaGuardia Arts, which is a performing arts high school in New York City. It was pretty cool getting accepted there since I had to complete grueling auditions as an 8th grader. During my time at LaGuardia, I had to take dance 3-hours per day plus academics. Then after school, I did my competitive dance classes. Once I went to college, I stopped dancing. I felt like I was “danced out,” so I started going to the gym about 7-days a week. I would say I was in the best shape of my life at that time. Ah to be 20 again… I then signed up for Scranton CrossFit and loved it. I did have to stop going because I was on a college kids’ budget so back to the gym I went. I also ended up getting a blood clot in my right arm and per doctor’s orders, I wasn’t permitted to lift heavy weights. Years have passed since then and now I am free to work out as I please, which is great!

3. What originally prompted you to seek us out?
Since I had attended a CrossFit gym and knew I enjoyed it, I thought it would be awesome to sign up again. I am so grateful that I did!

4. What was your goal when you originally signed up?
I wanted to get back into the same physical shape I was in when I did CrossFit in the past. Also, since I moved back to Pennsylvania, I didn’t know many people in the area. I remembered how community based CrossFit was, so I thought it would be nice to get back into fitness, but also meet new people.
5. What have you liked best about working with us?
I have really enjoyed getting stronger and pushing myself beyond my comfort zone. In the past, when I would work out, I would do cardio and lifting, but never some of the movements I have learned thus far. I wasn’t the girl at the gym doing clean and jerks and handstands walks in the back corner… While I don’t really have a shy personality, that would be a bit too embarrassing even for me. Also, I love the partner workouts and the motivational energy that everyone gives off. It is like everyone around you is helping you become a better version of yourself, and I really appreciate that. It makes me feel like I am back with my old dance team again.

6. What are you most proud of achieving since you started?
I am most proud of staying consistent with working out again. Even if I can’t make it to class, I try to do something active. I would also say completing some of the more challenging movements (like double unders or handstand walks) has been great! I know I have so much more to learn, which makes me eager to return to class each day.
7. With everything that you have accomplished, has your view of yourself changed?
Oh, yes! I believe I have become a much more confident person. It is such an amazing feeling to complete a new movement and think, “wow, I didn’t know I could do that.” This perspective has even translated into my career. I typically have trouble allowing myself to realize I am good at something or have the capability to even try it, especially with work; however, since starting at KCF, I have obtained additional certifications and decided to start my own private practice. I don’t think last year’s Alyssa would have had the guts to do that.

8. What would you say to anyone else who might be dealing with any similar struggles you did?
Get up and move. Don’t fall into a habit of complacent baseline achievements. I think all people have unlocked potential; you just have to have the confidence to realize it.

9. Do you have any special moments/memories?
I have two special moments:
- At the Holiday Throwdown, one of the heats included dumbbell snatches… well, I hadn’t done them before and it’s safe to say I was not going in too confident. While I was competing, everyone was cheering me on (super cool feeling), and I was able to lift- I believe- either 35 or 40 pounds. I had never done that before. Since it was so challenging to get the dumbbell above my head, once it was there, I accidently launched it from a standing position. Oops- I was pretty embarrassed… no one got hurt, thank goodness, but I was glad it made for a comical memory.
- The day that I deadlifted 240 pounds. I am a tiny person so being able to say I’ve done something like that is really cool!

10. What is your favorite movement/lift?
My favorite movement is a handstand walk and my favorite lift is a deadlift. I have a theory that deadlifts come a bit easier to me because of my tiny stature and long arm length. I did not realize I was disproportionate until I was doing a snatch for the first time. I, unfortunately, cannot hold the bar at my hip and bend my knees. So now I’ve realized I have a tiny body with long arms… learning moment… CrossFit will humble you.
I’d like to thank the staff and everyone at KCF! Here’s to 2024!