1. What was life like before you became a member?
As a young 20-something in a rapidly evolving world, my life before CrossFit was anything but regular! I joined KCF one year after moving to Scranton in the hopes of making new friends and growing my fitness. I relocated back to NEPA to reconnect with family and pivot my career into nonprofit management. After a year of working 9-to-5 and enjoying family get-togethers, I was ready to get out of my comfort zone and try something new.
I also joined KCF shortly before starting a part-time Ph.D. program through the University of Scranton. I joined needing a social and active outlet to balance work, school, and play. Since joining, the examples set at KCF have helped me to be more supportive at work, more focused in graduate studies, and more confident all around. CrossFit has elevated every aspect of my life, and, for this and more, I am grateful!

2. At the time you enrolled, were you already exercising? What was your previous background in fitness?
My fitness journey began in high school through track-and-field. Joining the track team introduced me to running and many of my high school friends. I continued running through college and in the years following graduation. Running was often accompanied with light sit-ups, push-ups, and jumping jacks. Though I was regularly exercising before joining, I lacked the regimen that CrossFit could provide. My at-home workouts helped prepare me for CrossFit, though they are by no means a prerequisite for joining a CrossFit gym.

3. What originally prompted you to seek us out?
I reached out to KCF after growing weary of exercising alone. My at-home regiment kept me active for many years, though I was eager to join a gym and exercise with others. I was especially interested in a gym with group workouts and professional coaches. I shared these interests with my brother-in-law, Curt, a former Division III athlete with experience at various gyms. Curt recommended I try CrossFit for its variety and sense of community, and KCF has exceeded every expectation.

4. What was your goal when you originally signed up?
My two initial goals were to meet people and learn the movements of CrossFit. KCF has proven a great way to meet folks from all walks of life, ages, and backgrounds. CrossFit truly is for everyone, and I am continually inspired by the variety of people KCF attracts. Grateful for all the friends I’ve made at KCF and all the people I will continue to meet through CrossFit!
KCF has also been my first ‘gym’ experience, and I had a lot to learn! Before KCF, I never touched a barbell, never swung a kettlebell, and thought ‘Rx’ was a term reserved for medical professionals. Beyond grateful KCF’s coaches and their emphasis on form and technique. My personal goal continues to be ‘Focus on Form’ as I inch ever closer to complex movements like the toe-to-bar, double-under, and handstand walk.

5. What have you liked best about working with us?
KCF’s sense of community and togetherness. During a workout, everyone works through the same progression together. Workouts can be scaled or modified to meet an athlete’s ability, and everyone supports one another until completion. Regardless if you just joined, are winning CrossFit competitions, or are somewhere in-between (like me!), everyone is doing the same workout at the same time and supporting one another.

6. What are you most proud of achieving since you started?
Rope climb! Before joining, finishing a rope climb was among many exercises I viewed as something ‘other people’ did and not something I could accomplish. This false belief was made in high school in comparing my then frail self to peers more physically capable. Thankfully, this false belief was broken through regular practice and earnest encouragement from the gym’s coaches. People are often far more capable than they think, and CrossFit is a healthy way to break mental barriers and test your true limits.

7. With everything that you have accomplished, has your view of yourself changed?
Yes, and for the better! Regularly attending classes at KCF for +14 months has greatly improved my confidence, outlook, and focus. The coaches are consistently encouraging, and the other members are equally supportive. The CrossFit mentality has helped me see challenges outside the gym as opportunities rather than obstacles. Exercising more intensely has also improved my sleep, which in turn has helped improve focus and productivity.

9. Do you have any special moments/memories?
One of my favorite moments at KCF came during the gym’s 2023 Holiday Throwdown. KCF’s Holiday Throwdown is the gym’s friendly, annual, in-house CrossFit competition. All gym members are encouraged to compete, and all athletes are celebrated during the competition. During the Dumbbell Clean and Jerk segment, athletes took turns competing for the heaviest clean and jerk. As I struggled to lift a dumbbell heavier than my then personal best, everyone in the gym cheered me on in support! I’ve never had so many people cheering for me at once! The support I felt during the Holiday Throwdown was overwhelmingly genuine and positive. This memory, among many others, speaks volumes to KCF’s community and commitment to the whole person.

10. What is your favorite movement/lift?
Rowing! Rowing provides a fun, fast-paced cardio workout pitting you against machine. The harder you pull, the more calories you burn. The more consistent your form, the faster you finish the workout. Longer workouts on a rower also emphasize pacing and mental toughness. Maintaining consistency on a rower requires a ‘mind over matter’ mentality that can also be applied to other workouts. Consistency and mental toughness are two of many skills CrossFit has to offer, and all the more reason to try CrossFit!

11. Gratitude
A special thanks to Coach Tim, Coach Jess, Coach Nikki, and Coach Kasey. Your support means more than you know. Thank you for all that you do!